Are you getting a RunDLL error on startup message saying:
There was a problem starting C:\..\Conduit\..\BackgroundContainer.dll
The specified module could not be found.

You are probably getting this error message because the Conduit file, BackgroundContainer.dll, has been removed from your computer, but your system is still configured to run the BackgroundContainer.dll file with the rundll32.exe tool.
You can get rid of this error message by removing the start-up entry in the registry and in the Windows Task Scheduler. You can also fix the error message with the FreeFixer tool.
I’ve captured a screenshow that shows the two items you need to check for removal in FreeFixer’s scan results. Removing those two items will stop the Run DLL error from popping up during startup.
Did that help you remove the BackgroundContainer.dll RUNDLL error?
By the way, how did you get this error message? Did your anti-virus program remove Conduit’s BackgroundContainer.dll file, or did you remove it manually and forgot the items in the registry and the Task Scheduler?