Remove Videos+Media+Players – Adware Removal Instructions

Did you just spot something called Videos+Media+Players on your machine or in your browsers?


No problem, you can remove it with the freeware tool FreeFixer. Just select the Videos+Media+Players files for removal in FreeFixer and click the Fix button. Problem solved.

videos+Media+Players remove videos+Media+Players delete

Did you also find Videos+Media+Players on your machine? Any idea how it was installed?

Update 2014-11-17: Found a new variant called “VideoMedia+Player_v2.3“. Do you think there will be variants called VideoMedia+Player_v2.4 and VideoMedia+Player_v2.5 coming soon? If you have this variant you may see ads labeled “Powered by VideoMedia+Player_v2.3”:

Powered by VideoMedia+Player_v2.3

Update 2014-11-19: Now the files are digitally signed by Xenon Play Center.

Xenon Play Center