Pop-Up Surveys from rockvisitor.xyz, moonvoyage.xyz, toadbreakfast.xyz, faceeye.xyz, prizescent.xyz, plotpet.xyz, unclesail.xyz and pethall.xyz – Removal Instructions

If you are getting “2014 Surveys” in new tabs or pop-up windows from rockvisitor.xyz, moonvoyage.xyz, toadbreakfast.xyz, faceeye.xyz, prizescent.xyz, plotpet.xyz, unclesail.xyz or pethall.xyz, you probably have some adware installed on your machine.


I’d recommend a scan with FreeFixer to track down and remove the adware. I had a bunch of adwares installed: Salus, OfferBoulvard, PriceHorse, etc. After removing them, the pop-up surveys stopped.

Thanks for reading.