Hi there! Just wanted to give you the heads up on a publisher called Setup Delivery (Fried Cookie Ltd.). By looking at the certificate we can see that Setup Delivery (Fried Cookie Ltd.) appears to be located in Tel Aviv in Israel.
So, why did I put up this blog post? Well, the thing is that the Setup Delivery (Fried Cookie Ltd.) file is detected by many of the scanners, according to VirusTotal. Avira names installer_jdownloader_English.exe as ADWARE/InstallCore.Gen7, Comodo classifies it as Application.Win32.FriedCookie.CIRK, Sophos detects it as Install Core and VIPRE classifies it as InstallCore (fs)
Did you also find an Setup Delivery (Fried Cookie Ltd.)? Do you remember the download link? Please post it in the comments below and I’ll upload it to VirusTotal to see if that one is also detected.
Thank you for reading.
I got ot by d/ldng ZaraStudio, (hxxp://www.zarastudio .es/en/descargas.php) the free version 1.6 twice, just to verify that’s where it came from. It was in my FireFox profile. I’ll probably run it in a s/bx just to check it out.
thanks for sharing
Thank you Michael!
I like such topics. The URL:
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