If you have been following me on the blog for the last six months you know that I often write about how to remove pop up ads and how to remove unwanted sites showing up in the browser’s status bar. In those blog posts, I show how to track down and remove unwanted software by using the 1) Windows Control Panel, 2) the browser’s add-on dialog or 3) with the FreeFixer removal tool.
I often write a new blog post for each site that I find, which is quite time-consuming. The upcoming months I’ll be focusing on developing some back-end stuff for FreeFixer so I can’t be as active as I use to be on the blog. But I will at least summarise the finds that I do, with a screenshot, and post them here.
A pop up from se-arlig-undersokning.xyz:

spartoo.se pop up:

barnebys.se pop up:

us.fps-pb.com pop up:

and a pop up ad from luxuryslotonline.com:

A pop up from d31f5ec245utk2.cloudfront.net:

go.leguide.com pop up:

dream-marriage.com pop up:

tracking.tfxiq.net in the status bar:

Pop up from machine.billionoptions.net:

Pop up from aftonbladet.se.05b.xyz:

kds.adspirit.de pop up:

A pop up from chachagong23.com:

dry.papaerleaf.com in the status bar:

super-promo.guqu.info pop up:

rqf.receptorirrigated.com in the status bar:

A pop up ad from 123mymovies.com:

adss.comeadvertisewithus.com in Firefox’ status bar:

A pop up from static.millionairetruth.com:

gets.attracteffectclub.info in the status bar:

A pop-up ad from super-promo.gufu.info:

While doing at search at Google, ads.egrana.com.br showed up in the status bar:

pinsght.com in the status bar:

super-promo.goas.info pop up:

A pop-up from cnn.officialreport.info:
While searching at Google’s search engine, cdn1.clktag.com popped up in the status bar:

karriar-magazine.com pop up ad:

Pop-up ad from super-promo.gipi.info:

api.pixelcloudhit.com in the status bar:

And a pop up from scanscasino.com:

Pop up ad from super-promo.giiy.info:

swf.chequebooksbruising.com in the browser’s status bar:

A pop up from super-promo.giip.info:

and cdn3.org showed up in the network log:

bcp.crwdcntrl.net loaded from google:

anddogen.com in the status bar:

A pop up from super-promo.gurs.info.
A pop up ad about oil-trading from preg.conquer-media.com:

i_sbitinbsjs_info.tlscdn.com showed up in the status bar of Mozilla Firefox while searching at Google. Here’s a dump from the network log.

technologiestuart.com also showed up in the status bar while doing the Google search:

The Wajam adware is responsible for that connection.
A bunch of netdna-ssl.com domains showing up in the Firefox status bar, while searching at Google. The domains were:
- 4x3zy4ql-l8bu4n1j.netdna-ssl.com
- 5k9v3bc1-enehfzfv.netdna-ssl.com
- d13j8bqw-l8bu4n1j.netdna-ssl.com
- j9bruvxk-l8bu4n1j.netdna-ssl.com

A pop-up ad from super-promo.gazy.info:

A survey pop-up ad from super-promo.gaol.info:

jscdnbox.com loading while searching at Google:

s.tlscdn.com in Firefox’ status bar:

Here’s isi.envelopspunnet.com in the status bar:

Pop up ad from super-promo.gaah.info:

stat.vidcore.tv in the status bar:

A pop-up from nordicslabel.com:

Adsvids.com in the status bar:

A pop-up ad from super-promo.fuvu.info:

The 8casino-x.com pop up ad:

omq.relievingdungeons.com may show up in your browser’s status bar:

go.herdailyvideos.com in Firefox’ status bar:

bit-search.com in the status bar:

search.smartshopping.com also in the status bar:

tracking.audience.media in the status bar, while searching at Google:

And here’s a pop up from super-promo.grav.info:
cf.vsavr.com in the network log:

prod.vsearchr.com, also in the network log:

A popup ad from super-promo.geew.info:

A pop up from financialsecrets.info.
Other sites that showed up in the network log while doing a search at Google:
- uhl.outspokentameness.com
- foi.slynessduplicating.com
- duu.ragsmarmoset.com
- opl.speculationsanorak.com
- vrr.unfamiliarcartographer.com
- nex.encirclelargish.com
- hev.sedentaryprosecutor.com
- drm.polysyllabicsurrounds.com
- ryz.affiliatedstammer.com
- monetserv.info
- nwv.vicescappuccino.com
- a.global-cdn.co
- pki.dowagersinimitable.com
- vmx.pukingtwirled.com
- yqg.employscitrate.com
- hzm.maximumfireplaces.com
- app.keymaxbit.com
- logs.keymaxbit.com
- ezl.allegesmourns.com
- tki.chimpanzeepooling.com
- www.unionismstream.com
- eam.duchessestallying.com
- ech.parallaxindecision.com
- www.physicianapologises.com
- www.decomposeselbows.com
- www.centrifugescompletions.com
- www.riderdismantled.com
- vsb.tatlocalisation.com
- yfv.humpstows.com
- dfe.contributorymethods.com
- hql.flirtationafricans.com
- sgn.egyptianobservably.com
- arj.keelconjectured.com
- t1.extreme-dm.com
- xhd.handbagoverturn.com
- yze.farcataclysm.com
- app.pricemoon.co
- jsgnr.pricemoon.co
- cwbl.pricemoon.co
- horusjs.s3.amazonaws.com
- i_crbfmcjs_info.tlscdn.com
- cdn.gosignserv.com
- c.crbsjs.info
- q.megainbsjs.info
- r6.kelkoo.com
- r.kelkoo.com
- m.megainbsjs.info
- adsroute.adk2x.com
- connect.facebook.net
- d2nq0f8d9ofdwv.cloudfront.net
- cdn.adpdx.com
- p.adpdx.com
- wcp.commonwealthprussia.com
- qzd.haemophiliacontextualisation.com
A few other sites that appeared in my network log:
- js.bitgenmax.com
- app.newcloudrack.com
- logs.newcloudrack.com
- js.newcloudrack.com
- js.keymaxbit.com
- m2.macutnova.com
- app.bitgenmax.com
- logs.bitgenmax.com
- c.megainbsjs.info
- f.asdfzxcv1312.com
- s.megainbsjs.info
- f.megainbsjs.info
- app.cloudmaxbox.com
- logs.cloudmaxbox.com
- d2avx7g1ttwebd.cloudfront.net
- d21r4q0rdzodf.cloudfront.net
- js.cloudmaxbox.com
- app.devgokey.com
- logs.devgokey.com
- js.devgokey.com
- danv01ao0kdr2.cloudfront.net
- portal.brandlock.io
Ran into a file signed by BoxI DJV.

Ran into a file signed by Media Theory (Fried Cookie Ltd):

Somewhat unrelated, but I’ve also run into a add-on called FirefixTab 0.1.13: