Category Archives: freefixer

CouponSupport – Removal Instructions

Just found another adware, called CouponSupport. As usual with this type of software, it was bundled with another software download. If you have this little CouponSupport bugger running on your machine, you’ll see couponsupport.exe running in the background  in the Windows Task Manager.

The detection rate for couponsupport.exe is impressive. 41 of 50 anti-virus programs detected it. Trojan.Cafelom, Gen:Variant.Symmi, PUP.Optional.MultiPlug.A and ZBot are some of the detection names.

Regarding the removal, there is an entry in the Add/Remove programs dialog, but I have not tried it. Notice the faked “Installed On” date in the screenshot. It was installed today, the 8th of August 2014, not in 2012.

couponsupport uninstall

You can also remove it with FreeFixer with a few clicks. Select the couponsupport.exe file and scheduled task for removal as shown in the screenshots below. You may have to restart your machine to complete the removal.

couponsupport.exe file couponsupport.exe process

Did you also get CouponSupport on your machine? Any idea how you got it?

BrowseBurst – Software Description and Removal Instructions

Did you see some ads labeled BrowseBurst, find a folder called BrowseBurst in “c:\Program Files” or the BrowseBurst item in the Add/Remove programs dialog and wonder what it is?

The screenshot from the BrowseBurst installer explains what the software does. It will show various types of advertisements, such as “offers”, coupons, website ratings, related search results, etc. Some of the ads are inserted into web pages while you browse the web, even though the underlying web site is not affiliated with BrowseBurst. BrowseBurst will also collect user information for ad relevance and “other purposes”.


Typically adware such as BrowseBurst is bundled with free software downloads and can be avoided by carefully navigating through the software installer, unchecking or declining the bundled offers, such as BrowseBurst.

How is BrowseBurst removed? You can uninstall BrowseBurst from the Add/Remove programs dialog. If that would fail from some reason, you can also remove BrowseBurst with FreeFixer.  Just check the BrowseBurst files for removal, reboot and the ads will be gone.

How did you get BrowseBurst on your machine and how did you notice it?

How To Remove TheTornTV

Getting ads labeled Ads by TheTornTV on top of the Google search results as show in the screenshot below?

TheTornTV - Ads by TheTornTV V10

As you’ve probably figured out you’ve got an adware called TheTornTV running on your machine. You can also see it in Mozilla’s Add-on dialog:

TheTornTV firefox add-on

Removing TheTornTV is pretty easy. Just select the TheTornTV in FreeFixer, as shown in the screenshots:

TheTornTV tasks TheTornTV firefox TheTornTV BHO

I’ve made a quick video that shows FreeFixer in action while removing TheTornTV. Hope you find it useful.

Remove Browser App Adware

Getting  ads labled “Ad by Browser App” or “Ads by Browser App“, like in the screenshots below:

Browseri_Appe Ad by Browser App

Browseri_Appe Ads by Browser App

Then you have the BrowserApp adware installed on your machine. You will also Browser App listed as a browser add-on. Here it is in Firefox:

Browseri_Appe 1.2 Firefox

The detection rate by the anti-virus programs are currently very low. Only 3 of the 50+ anti-virus scanners at VirusTotal detects the Browser App files. Eldorado and Crossrider are two of the detection names:

Browser App virus total report

How to remove Browser App? No problem, just selected the Browser App files in FreeFixer and you will no longer see the ads:

Browseri_Appe tasks Browseri_Appe firefox extensions Browseri_Appe browser helper objectHow did you get the BrowserApp adware on your machine?

These are the variants I’ve found:

  • Browser_AppS 1.1
  • Browseri_Appe 1.2
  • Browsers App
  • Browsers Apps +



Adanak Adware Removal

Found a new adware called Adanak today. If you got the Adanak adware on your machine, you’ll notice it when starting Mozilla Firefox.

Adanak modify firefox

Here’s how Adanak appears in Firefox’s Add-ons dialog:

Adanak Firefox add-on

The anti-virus programs have a pretty decent detection rate for the Adanak adware. 20 of 53 anti-virus scanners detect Adanak according to VirusTotal:

Adanak virustotal report

Removal is easy with FreeFixer, just select the Adanak files for removal, and then click Fix and the problem will be solved:


Adanak firefox addon in FreeFixer

How did you get Adanak on your machine?

How To Remove The Focusbase Adware

Just stumbled on a new adware called Focusbase this morning. You might have noticed it on your machine by new ads labeled  Ads by Focusbase appearing or the Focusbase add-ons listed in Firefox and Internet Explorer.

focusbase firefox add-on Focusbase Internet Explorer add-on

I found the Focusbase adware bundled with another program. The installer file was called FlvPlayer.exe and was digitally signed by a company called Outbrowse LTD.

focusbase installer digitally signed by OutBrowse LTD.

Here’s how Focusbase was disclosed in the installer:

How Focusbase is disclosed in the bundling installer


Focusbase content includes advertisements and is not affiliated with any underlying web sites.

So, how about the Focusbase removal? Easy peasy with FreeFixer. Just select the Focusbase files for removal in FreeFixer as shown in the screenshots below:

removing the Focusbase extension in Firefox Removing focusbasebho.dll

Hope this helped you figure out what Focusbase is, how it is installed on user’s computers and how to remove it.

How did you get the Focusbase adware on your machine?


How To Remove V-Bates

Another quick post before getting to bed. I just found something called V-Bates, bundled with a free download. Here’s how V-Bates was disclosed in the installer:

v-bates install 404 page not found

The Terms and Condition link opened up a 404 Page Not Found, which can make it difficult for users to take an informed decision whether to install V-Bates or not.

Only a few of the anti-virus programs detects the  V-Bates files:

v-bates is called wajamu and wajam

Baidu and VIPRE refers to it as Wajam and Wajamu.

If you’d like to remove V-Bates you can simply do so by uninstalling it from the Add/Remove programs dialog.

v-bates uninstall

If that fails for some reason you can also remove V-Bates with FreeFixer by checking notifier.exe, guardsvc.exe, extensionupdaterservice.exe, PrefHelper.exe, extension32.dll and extension64.dll for removal:

v-bates notifier.exe v-bates guardsvc.exe v-bates Extension64.dll v-bates PrefHelper.exe v-bates Firefox v-bates ExtensionUpdaterService.exe

Do you have V-Bates on your machine? Any idea how it was installed?


Context2pro, conadvanced.exe, contextprod.exe and contextfr.exe – Removal Instructions

Just a quick post. Found something called Cyclon or Context2Pro bundled in a free download. This is how it appeared in the installer.

Context2pro Cyclon Installer

Clicking the EULA link opened up a 404 Not Found page. Once installed I noticed pop-ups from pop up

The anti-virus programs have a relatively good detection rate for Context2Pro:

Context2Pro Contextprod.exe VirusTotal scan result

To remove Context2Pro, check conadvanced.exe, contextprod.exe and contextfr.exe for removal in FreeFixer. During my testing there was no entry in the Add/Remove programs dialog for Context2pro.

context2pro startups - contextfr.exe, conadvanced.exe and contextprod.exe Context2Pro processes contextadvanced.exe

How did you get Context2Pro on your computer?

How To Remove Sharp Savings Ads

Gettings ads labeled “Ads by Sharp Savings” or text links with a mouse-over saying “Click to Continue > by Sharp Savings”.

Sharp Savings - Ads by Sharp Savings Sharp Savings text link - Click to Continue > by Sharp Savings


Sharp Savings is bundled with free downloads. Here’s how it was disclosed when I found it:

Sharp Savings installer

You can remove Sharp Savings from the Windows Control Panel. During the uninstall you need to solve a CAPTCHA.

Sharp Savings uninstall Sharp Savings uninstall captcha

If the removal fails for some reason, you can remove Sharp Savings with FreeFixer, by selecting the Sharp Savings files (bservice.exe, wd.exe, updater.exe, framworkBHO.dll, etc) as shown in the screenshots. You will also need to manually restore your browser’s proxy settings.

Sharp Savings wd.exe bservice.exe Sharp Savings update.exe Sharp Savings startups Sharp Savings mozilla Sharp Savings Internet Explorer