Category Archives: freefixer

Remove Cantataweb – Adware Removal Instructions

Welcome! Found another adware called Cantataweb right now. This appears to be yet another variant of BrowseFox/AltBrowse that I’ve previously written about. According to the other anti-malware bloggers, Cantataweb has been around since August 2014.

If you got Cantataweb installed on your computer, you will see new add-ons added in Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer and a folder called Cantataweb added under the Programs Files folder. I’ll show how to remove Cantataweb in this blog post with the FreeFixer removal tool.

cantataweb in the program files folder cantataweb 1.0.1 listed as a firefox add-on Cantataweb is "ready for use" in in Internet Explorer

Cantataweb is bundled with a number of downloads. Bundling means that software is included in other software’s installers. When I first found Cantataweb, it was bundled with a software download claiming to be an episode of the Game of Thrones TV show. The download was digitally signed by New IT Limited.

New IT Limited in the User Account Control notification dialog Cantataweb bundled in the installer

Generally, you can avoid bundled software such as Cantataweb by being careful when installing software and declining the bundled offers in the installer.

As usual when I stumble upon some new bundled software I uploaded it to VirusTotal to test if the anti-malwares there find anything suspicious. 40 of the scanners detected the file which is a pretty good detection rate. The Cantataweb files are detected as Win32:BrowseFox-AW [PUP] by Avast, Application.Win32.Altbrowse.AK by Comodo, a variant of Win32/BrowseFox.F by ESET-NOD32 and PUP.Optional.Cantataweb.A by Malwarebytes.

Cantataweb virustotal report

You probably came here looking for removal instructions for Cantataweb and you can do so with the FreeFixer removal tool. Just select the Cantataweb files/settings as the screenshots below shows. A reboot of your computer may be required to complete the removal. Problem solved.

cantataweb firefox extension cantatawebbho.dll in freefixer

Hope this helped you remove the Cantataweb adware.

Do you also have Cantataweb on your system? Any idea how it was installed? Please let me and the readers know by posting a comments. Thank you!

Hope you found this useful and thanks you for reading.

How to remove ProtectedBrowsing adware

Just wanted to write a short post before going back to coding on FreeFixer. Found another adware called ProtectedBrowsing right now.

If ProtectedBrowsing is installed on your machine, you will find ads labeled Ad by ProtectedBrowsing and green links inserted into web pages saying Click to Continue by ProtectedBrowsing.

Ad by ProtectedBrowsing pop-up Ad by ProtectedBrowsing ad by ProtectedBrowsing bannerClick to Continue by ProtectedBrowsing links are inserted into web pages

You will also see a notification message from the system tray saying Proxy Protection Enabled and an icon in the system tray. New processes will appear in the Windows Task Manager: bservice.exe, bservice64.exe, wd.exe, pwdg.exe and proc.exe. ProtectedBrowsing also adds a new entry “ baefoldjnepdncjikpmjiamfbjgicfol”  in the HOSTS file. I’ll show how to remove ProtectedBrowsing in this blog post with the FreeFixer removal tool.

Pproxy Protection Enabled message from system tray ProtectedBrowsing in the System Tray

oops, something changed in your proxy settings - ProtectedBrowsing Auto-Protect

bservice.exe and bservice64.exe int the task manager

ProtectedBrowsing also installs add-ons in your browsers. Here’s two screenshots showing the adware in Chrome and Firefox:

ProtectedBrowsing 1.0 in Chrome ProtectedBrowsing 1.0 Firefox add-on

ProtectedBrowsing is bundled with a number of downloads. Bundling means that software is included in other software’s installers.

Generally, you can avoid bundled software such as ProtectedBrowsing by being careful when installing software and declining the bundled offers in the installer.

When I test some new bundled software I always upload it to VirusTotal to test if the anti-virus scanners there find something fishy. I uploaded FrameworkBHO.dll which is digitally signed by Gratifying Apps. The detection rate is very low. Only 1 of the scanners detected the file. AVG names ProtectedBrowsing as Generic.D4C.

protectedbrowser virustotal

Removing ProtectedBrowsing is pretty easy with FreeFixer. Here’s a few screenshots from the removal that should help you: A restart of your system may be required to complete the removal. Problem fixed.

wd.exe pwdg.exe cl.exe startups ProtectedBrowsing firefox freefixer ProtectedBrowsing Chrome Extension ProtectedBrowsing BHOs bservice.exe bservice64.exe process bhelper64.dll internet explorer bhelper64.dll in explorer bench updater.exe task baefoldjnepdncjikpmjiamfbjgicfol in HOSTS file

To remove the ProtectedBrowsing Chrome extension, open up the Settings menu in Chrome and click on Extensions in the left pane.

Hope this helped you remove the ProtectedBrowsing adware.

Do you also have ProtectedBrowsing on your machine? Any idea how it installed? Please share your story the comments below. Thanks!

Thanks for reading!

Remove Ads by CheckMeUp

Hello there and welcome to the FreeFixer blog. Just a short post on an adware called CheckMeUp. If the CheckMeUp adware is installed on your machine, you’ll find ads labeled “Ads by CheckMeUp”, a new add-on named CheckMeUp added into Internet Explorer and Firefox and a process called CheckMeUp.exe running in the Windows Task Manager. I’ll show how to remove CheckMeUp in this blog post with the FreeFixer removal tool.

Ads by CheckMeUp pop-up Ads by CheckMeUp mouse over pop-up Ads by CheckMeUp banner

checkmeup.exe in the Windows Task Manager

Here’s how CheckMeUp shows up in Firefox and Internet Explorer:

CheckMeUp Internet Explorer CheckMeUp 1.179 firefox add-on

CheckMeUp is distributed by a tactic called bundling. Bundling means that a piece of software – in this case CheckMeUp – is included in other software’s installers. When I first found CheckMeUp, it was bundled with a download called FLV Player by OutBrowse.

OutBrowse LTD

Generally, you can avoid bundled software such as CheckMeUp by being careful when installing software and declining the bundled offers in the installer.

When I find some new bundled software I usually upload it to VirusTotal to see if the anti-malware tools there detect something. 3 of the 55 anti-virus scanners detected the file. The CheckMeUp.exe file is detected as AddLyrics by Sophos and Revizer (fs) by VIPRE.

CheckMeUp.exe virus total report

Since you probably want to remove CheckMeUp, these are the items you should check for removal if you want to remove it with FreeFixer. You might have to restart your machine to complete the removal. Problem taken care of.

CheckMeUp scheduled task CheckMeUp firefox freefixer CheckMeUp browser helper object

Hope that helped you to figure out how to do the removal.

Any idea how CheckMeUp was installed on your computer? Please let me and the readers know by posting a comments. Thank you!

Thanks for reading. Welcome back!

Update 2014-12-06: CheckMeUp is now using files named webinstrNewH.sys184_x64.dll and 184.dll.



“Ads by Sense” – Sense Adware Removal Instructions

Hello readers. Another day, another blog post. As usual I was looking around on the Internet to see what is being bundled with some software downloads. This time I found something called Sense. This appears to be a variant of CrossRider that I’ve previously written about.

If the Sense adware is installed on your computer, you will find banners labeled “Ads by Sense“, “Ad by Sense1“, green links added to web pages, saying “Click to Continue -> by Sense“, new add-ons added into Internet Explorer and Firefox and new processes running in the Task Manager. You’ll also see some files on your hard-drive that are digitally signed by Krance Development. I’ll show how to remove Sense in this blog post with the FreeFixer removal tool.

Ad by Sense1

ads by sense on google search results Ads by Sense on Google's main page Click to Continue by Sense

Sense is bundled with other software. Bundled means that it is included in another software’s installer. When I first found Sense, it was bundled with a piece of software called Free Download Manager.

As usual when I find some new bundled software I uploaded it to VirusTotal to test if the anti-viruses there find anything suspicious. CrossRider seems to be the common detection name.

sense virustotal report

The file is digitally signed by a company called Krance Development.

Removing Sense is straightforward with FreeFixer. Just select the Sense files for removal and then click the Fix button and the problem will be solved.

sense firefox extension freefixer sense adware tasks sense add-on in internet explorer

Hope that helped you with the removal.

Any idea how Sense was installed on your system? Please let me and the readers know by posting a comments. Thanks!

Thank you for reading.

Update 5 November 2014: The Sense adware is still being distributed. Now the files are signed by Porter Studio Plus as you can see in the screenshot from the Digital Signatures tab for the Sense-bg.exe file. According to the information in the certificate, Porter Studio Plus is located in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Porter Studio Plus digital signature

Update 7 Nov 2014: Now the files are signed by Sara Kodama Project. They seem to change the certificate quite often.

Sara Kodama Project


Update 2014-11-19: Now the files are signed by Tita-­nium Great Minds. They are located in Nicosia, Cyprus.


Tita-­nium Great Minds

How To Remove PriceHorse – Adware Removal Instructions

Hello there. As usual I was looking around on the Internet to see what is being bundled with some software downloads. This time I found something called PriceHorse. If you have PriceHorse on your system, you will see a new process called pricehorse.exe, signed by PayByAds ltd., running in the Windows Task Manager and 2 new scheduled tasks. You can also see ads labeled “Ads by Price-Horse”. I’ll show how to remove PriceHorse in this blog post with the FreeFixer removal tool.

Ads by Price-Horse

pricehorse.exe task manager

Here’s a screenshot from the web site which shows how the PriceHorse ads look like:

pricehorse adsPriceHorse is bundled with a number of downloads. Bundling means that software is included in other software’s installers. When I first found PriceHorse, it was bundled with a download named Free Download Manager. Here’s how it appeared in the Free Download Manager installer where I found it:

pricehorse installer

The EULA refers to the software as Price-Horse instead of PriceHorse. The EULA also mention a company called First Offerz Ltd.

Generally, you can avoid bundled software such as PriceHorse by being careful when installing software and declining the bundled offers in the installer.

As usual when I stumble upon some new bundled software I uploaded it to VirusTotal to check if the antiviruses there detect something fishy. The PriceHorse.exe file is detected as PayByAds and Montiera.

PriceHorse.exe Virus Total Report

Removing PriceHorse is pretty easy with FreeFixer. Just select the PriceHorse files for removal and then click the Fix button and the problem will be solved.

pricehorse.exe registry startup selected for removal in the free fixer removal tool pricehorse.exe process in free fixer selected for removal pricehorse scheduled tasks

Hope this helped you solved the PriceHorse ad problem.

Do you also have PriceHorse on your computer? Any idea how it installed? Please share in the comments below. Thanks!

Thanks for reading. Welcome back!

Remove Klip Pal Ads

Just a quick post about the Klip Pal adware. Klip Pal is bundled with other software. I’ll show how to remove Klip Pal in this blog post. Here’s how it can appear in an installer:KlipPal installer disclosure

As you can see, KlipPal inserts advertisements on web sites while you are browsing the web.

Klip Pal installs itself in Internet Explorer and Firefox:

Klip Pal 1.0.1 firefox warning Klip Pal 1.0.1 in Firefox

Removing Klip Pal is a piece of cake with FreeFixer. Just select the Klip Pal files for removal and then click the Fix button and the ad problem will be solved.

KlipPalbho.dll internet explorer Klip Pal remove firefox

Hope this helped you solve the Klip Pal problem. Any idea how you got it on your machine?

Thanks for reading!

MyBestOffersToday – Pop Up Removal Instructions.

Getting pop-up ads from MyBestOffersToday?

My Best Offers Today Pop-Up

Removing MyBestOffersToday is easy. Just uninstall it from the Windows Control Panel…

How To Remove MyBestOffersToday from the Windows Control Panel

.. or if you’d like to use FreeFixer, select the MyBestOffersToday files for removal. They will  have “mbot” as part of the filename:

mybestofferstoday startup in FreeFixer mbot files in freefixer mybestofferstoday_widget.exe

I uploaded one of the file to VirusTotal. Here’s the scan result for mybestofferstoday_widget.exe. The files are signed by Tuto4PC.comTuto4PC and Eorezo are two of the detection names:

mybestofferstoday virustotal

My Best Offers Today is bundled with other software downloads. Here’s how it was disclosed in one of the installers where I found it:

my best offers today installer

How did you get My Best Soft Today on your machine? Please share in the comments.

Remove GoSave – Ads by GoSave Removal Instructions

Morning readers! I just found a new adware called GoSave. This appears to be a variant of the GoSaveNow adware that I wrote about yesterday. If you got GoSave on your machine, you will see ads labeled Ad by GoSave, Ads by GoSave or Brought by GoSave. Here’s a few examples of the ads I noticed when GoSave was installed on my machine:

Brought by GoSave ads inserted into a web page Ad by GoSave inserted into a webpage in firefox Banner labeled "Ad by GoSave"

You can also see GoSave in your web browser’s add-on menu:

GoSave in Firefox's add-on menu


GoSave is currently bundled with a large number of downloads. Here’s how it was disclosed in one of the installers:

gosave installer

If you’d like to remove GoSave you can do so with the freeware FreeFixer tool. Selected the GoSave files for removal in FreeFixer, click Fix, reboot your machine and the ad problem will be gone. Here’s a few screenshots to point you in the right direction:

gosave internet explorer gosave firefox extension gosave chrome extension

GoSave is often installed with three other unwanted programs called GS_Booster, GS_Sustainer 1.80 and YoutubeAdBlocke, that you probably want to remove too.

Hope you found this useful.

Any idea how GoSave was installed on your machine? Please share in the comments below.

Browser+ Apps+ Removal – Ads by Browser+ Apps+ Removal Instructions

Found another adware variant called Browser+ Apps+ right now. If you got this on your machine, you will see some ads labeled “Ads by Browser+ Apps+” in the web browser. It adds a bunch of files and installs itself in your web browser. Here’s how it appears in Firefox:

browser+ apps+ 0.95.27 firefox

The Browser+ Apps+ removal with FreeFixer is pretty easy. Check all the Browser+ Apps+ files for removal and click fix. Here’s a few screenshots from the removal that should help you:

browser+ apps+ tasks browser+ apps+ bho

Thanks for reading.

GS_Booster and GS_Sustainer 1.80 – Removal Instructions

Did something called GS_Booster and GS_Sustainer 1.80 appear on your machine? These two programs often appear with an adware called Gosavenow which I’ve written about earlier today. Here’s the scan result from VirusTotal for the file:

GS_booster.exe virustotal

You can remove GS_Booster and GS_Sustainer 1.80 with the FreeFixer removal tool. All you need to do is to check the GS_Booster and GS_Sustainer 1.80 files in the scan result and click the Fix button. Here’s a few screenshots that should help you along the way:

GS_Sustainer 1.80 GS_Booster.exe schedulded task GS_Booster.exe process GS_Booster rundll

Hope that helped you with the removal.

Any idea how you got GS_Booster and GS_Sustainer 1.80 on your machine? Please share by posting a comment.