How To Remove The Browse Pax Adware

Hello from a snowy Stockholm. Was reviewing some of the files added to this web site and found a new adware named Browse Pax. Browse Pax appears to be a variant of BrowseFox.

As usual when I run into some new software I uploaded it to VirusTotal to see if the anti-virus software there find anything interesting. 22 of the 56 antivirus scanners detected the file. Some of the detection names for Browse Pax are Adware.SwiftBrowse.CH, GrayWare[NetTool:not-a-virus]/Win64.NetFilter.a, Tool.NetFilter.313, a variant of Win64/BrowseFox.CG, W64/A-59c9c70a!Eldorado and HS_BROWSEFOX.SM.

Browse Pax virustotal

Since you probably want to remove Browse Pax, just select the files that are digitally signed by “Browse Pax” in FreeFixer. Easy peasy.

Any idea how you got Browse Pax on your machine?