How To Remove V-Bates

Another quick post before getting to bed. I just found something called V-Bates, bundled with a free download. Here’s how V-Bates was disclosed in the installer:

v-bates install 404 page not found

The Terms and Condition link opened up a 404 Page Not Found, which can make it difficult for users to take an informed decision whether to install V-Bates or not.

Only a few of the anti-virus programs detects the  V-Bates files:

v-bates is called wajamu and wajam

Baidu and VIPRE refers to it as Wajam and Wajamu.

If you’d like to remove V-Bates you can simply do so by uninstalling it from the Add/Remove programs dialog.

v-bates uninstall

If that fails for some reason you can also remove V-Bates with FreeFixer by checking notifier.exe, guardsvc.exe, extensionupdaterservice.exe, PrefHelper.exe, extension32.dll and extension64.dll for removal:

v-bates notifier.exe v-bates guardsvc.exe v-bates Extension64.dll v-bates PrefHelper.exe v-bates Firefox v-bates ExtensionUpdaterService.exe

Do you have V-Bates on your machine? Any idea how it was installed?