Hi there! Just wanted to give you the heads up on a publisher called OtOPIa SOft
You can see who the signer is when double-clicking on an executable file. OtOPIa SOft appears in the publisher field in the dialog that pops up. To view more information about the certificate you can right-click on the file, then choose Properties and then select the Digital Signatures tab. According to the certificate we can see that OtOPIa SOft is located in Dublin, Ireland and that the certificate is issued by thawte SHA256 Code Signing CA.
So, why did I put up this blog post? Well, the thing is that the OtOPIa SOft file is detected by many of the anti-malware scanners, according to VirusTotal. AVG names Player.exe as Downloader.KAM, Malwarebytes calls it Trojan.Inject, McAfee-GW-Edition detects it as Artemis and VIPRE detects it as OutBrowse (fs)
Did you also find a file signed by OtOPIa SOft? What kind of download was it and where did you find it?
Thanks for reading.