Remove Pop-Up Ads

Morning! I was just examining some adware that I installed on my lab machine before the weekend. While playing around with it, I noticed lots of pop-ups from a web site named It showed an ad about something called “EuroMillionaireSystem”. The pop-up URL also mentioned a web site called What kind of ad appeared in the pop-up in your case? pop-up ads

Since you probably came here looking for information on how to stop these pop-ups I’ll give you some removal instructions.

The pop-ups are, at least in my case, opened by the adware I had installed on my machine. To get rid of the pop-up ads I uninstalled a program called BlockAndSurf from the Add/Remove programs dialog.

Then I used the freeware FreeFixer tool to remove some other unwanted software, that was not listed under the Add/Remove programs dialog. These where, Browser Warden and TinyWallet. Look for these in the FreeFixer scan result. I also removed a bunch of other files with FreeFixer, located  under “C:\Program Files (x86)\Bench\”

  • bservice.exe
  • bservice64.exe
  • wd.exe
  • updater.exe
  • bhelper64.dll

These pop-ups can probably be caused by other adware as well, so you might have to review the items in the scan result in more detail if the pop-ups remain after uninstalling the adware and files mentioned above.

Hope that helped you solve the pop-up problem.

Any idea how you got these pop-ups on your machine?

If you needed to remove some additional software or files to stop the pop-ups, please share it the comment below to help other users in the same situation.  Thank you very much!

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