Tag Archives: BrowseFox

Remove Pine Tree Ads – PineTree Adware Removal

Hi there. Did you just spot something called Pine Tree on your machine? If the Pine Tree is installed on your machine, you’ll see Ads labeled “Pine Tree Ads” appearing in Firefox and Internet Explorer. I’ll show how to remove PineTree in this blog post with the FreeFixer removal tool.

Pine Tree Ads

Pine Tree firefox

So, how did Pine Tree install on your machine? It was probably bundled with some download that you installed recently. Bundling means that software is included in other software’s installers. Here’s how it appeared in the installer:

pine tree installer

Generally, you can avoid bundled software such as Pine Tree by being careful when installing software and declining the bundled offers in the installer.

When I run into some new bundled software I always upload it to VirusTotal to check if the anti-virus software there detect something. 24 of the 56 scanners detected the file. The Pine Tree files are detected as a variant of Win32/BrowseFox.AE potentially unwanted by ESET-NOD32, Gen:Variant.Adware.Mikey by F-Secure, PUP.Optional.PineTree.A by Malwarebytes and Trojan.Win32.Yontoo.dnkubo by NANO-Antivirus.

All you need to do to remove PineTree is to check the Pine Tree files in the scan result and click the Fix button. A reboot of your machine may be required to complete the removal. Here’s a few screenshots that should help you along the way:

remove pinetree internet explorer

Hope that helped you to figure out how to do the removal.

I stumbled upon Pine Tree while testing out some downloads that are known to bundled lots of unwanted software. Any idea how PineTree was installed on your machine? Please share in the comments below. Thank you very much!

Thank you for reading and welcome back.

Remove Fruit Basket – FruitBasket Removal Instructions

Just wanted to write a short blog post before going back to programming. As usual I was looking around on the Internet to see what is being bundled with some software downloads. This time I found something called Fruit Basket. Fruit Basket seems to be a variant of BrowseFox that I blogged about previously. If Fruit Basket is installed and running on your computer, you will see a new add-on called FruitBasket added into Firefox and Internet Explorer.

Fruit Basket firefox add-on


I didn’t see anything added into Google Chrome. Did FruitBasket install into Chrome on your machine?

I’ll show how to remove Fruit Basket in this blog post with the FreeFixer removal tool.

Fruit Basket is bundled in other software’s installers.

When I stumble upon some new bundled software I normally upload it to VirusTotal to verify if the anti-malware scanners there detect anything interesting. 20 of the scanners detected the file. Some of the detection names for Fruit Basket are ADWARE/BrowseFox.Gen2, W32/S-f64f6ec1!Eldorado, Gen:Variant.Adware.Mikey, Gen:Variant.Adware.Mikey.11547 and AdWare.MSIL.Agent.

FruitBasket anti-virus report

Removing Fruit Basket is straightforward with FreeFixer. Just select the Fruit Basket files/settings for removal and then click the Fix button and the problem will be solved.

remove FruitBasket firefox remove Fruit Basket ie

Hope this helped you remove the Fruit Basket adware.

Do you also have Fruit Basket on your machine? Any idea how it installed? Please let me and the readers know by posting a comments. Thank you very much!

Thank you for reading and welcome back.

What is Primary Result? – 40% Anti-Virus Detection Rate

Hello guys and gals. Just a short post on an adware called Primary Result. Found this while reviewing some of the files recently submitted to FreeFixer. This is a BrowseFox variant.

Of the 57 anti-virus scanners at VirusTotal, 23 detected the file. The Primary Result files are detected as Adware.SwiftBrowse.CH by BitDefender, Tool.NetFilter.313 by DrWeb, W64/A-59c9c70a!Eldorado by F-Prot, HS_BROWSEFOX.SM by TrendMicro and HS_BROWSEFOX.SM by TrendMicro-HouseCall.

Primary Result anti-virus report

If you are using FreeFixer to remove Primary Result, just look for files digitally signed by Primary Result.

Do you also have Primary Result on your system? Any idea how it was installed? Please share your story the comments below. Thank you very much!

Thank you for reading and welcome back.

Remove Ace Race Ads – Adware Removal Instructions

Just wanted to put up a short blog post before going back to coding. Did something named Ace Race appear on your machine? This appears to be yet another variant of BrowseFox that I’ve previously blogged about. If the Ace Race adware is running on your computer, you will see a new add-on called Ace Race installed into Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. I’ll show how to remove Ace Race in this blog post with the FreeFixer removal tool.

ace race firefox

Ace Race is bundled with a number of downloads. Bundling means that software is included in other software’s installers. Here’s one example how it appears in an installer for an unrelated program.

ace race installer

Generally, you can avoid bundled software such as Ace Race by being careful when installing software and declining the bundled offers in the installer.

As usual when I run into some new bundled software I uploaded it to VirusTotal to see if the anti-malware scanners there detect anything fishy. 11 of the anti-malware scanners detected the file. The Ace Race files are detected as BrowseFox.F by AVG, W32/S-7bed2e86!Eldorado by F-Prot, Trojan ( 0040f9921 ) by K7GW, PUP.Optional.AceRace.A by Malwarebytes and AdWare.Kranet by VBA32.

acerace virustotal

If you would like to remove Ace Race you can do so with the freeware FreeFixer tool. Select the Ace Race files for removal in FreeFixer, click Fix, reboot your computer and the problem will be gone. Here’s a few screenshots to point you in the right direction:

ace race remove firefox ace race internet explorer

Hope that helped you to figure out how to do the removal.

Did you also find Ace Race on your machine? Any idea how it installed? Please share in the comments below. Thank you!

Thanks for reading. Welcome back!

Remove Internet Program – “Ads by internet program” Removal Instructions

Hello readers. Hope you are doing ok. Did you just find something called Internet Program on your machine? This seems to be a variant of BrowseFox/AltBrowse that I’ve previously written about. If the Internet Program adware is running on your machine, you will notice ads labeled “Ads by internet program” added in Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox and “internet program” Related Searches added on the left side of the web browser’s view port. Google Chrome seems to have been unaffected by the adware. Did you see anything added into Chrome?

I’ll show how to remove Internet Program in this blog post with the FreeFixer removal tool.

Ads by internet program Internet Program Related Searches

Internet Program is bundled with a number of downloads. Bundling means that software is included in other software’s installers. When I first found Internet Program, it was bundled with a fake Google Chrome download. This is how Internet Program was disclosed in the fake Google Chrome’s installer when I found it.

internet program installer

As you can see, the Internet Program is clearly adware. But for unknown reasons the anti-virus programs are not detecting Internet Program when I uploaded it to VirusTotal:

Internet Program virustotal

Generally, you can avoid bundled software such as Internet Program by being careful when installing software and declining the bundled offers in the installer.

So, how about the removal? All you need to do to remove Internet Program is to check the Internet Program files in the scan result and click the Fix button. A reboot of your machine might be required to complete the removal. Here’s a few screen-caps that should help you along the way:

Internet Program remove Internet Explorer Internet Program remove firefox

Hope this helped you remove the Internet Program adware.

Did you also find Internet Program on your machine? Any idea how it was installed? Please share in the comments below. Thank you!

Thank you for reading.

Update 2014-12-18: The files are still not detected by any of the anti-virus scanners at VirusTotal.

Remove GadgetPrise Ads – Adware Removal Instructions

Just wanted to write a short post before going back to programming on FreeFixer. I was reviewing some files that recently were submitted to the FreeFixer library and found a new BrowseFox variant called GadgetPrise.

GadgetPrise is, as many of the other BrowseFox variants, bundled with downloads such as media player, PDF converters, etc. Bundled means that it is included in another software’s installer. Generally, you can avoid bundled software such as GadgetPrise by being careful when installing software and declining the bundled offers in the installer.

When I test some new bundled software I always upload it to VirusTotal to test if the antiviruses there detect anything fishy. 44% of the antivirus scanners detected the file. BitDefender reports GadgetPrise as Gen:Variant.Adware.SwiftBrowse.1, DrWeb reports Trojan.BPlug.281, ESET-NOD32 detects it as Win32/BrowseFox.V and Kaspersky reports not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Yotoon.bfm.

Gadgetprise virustotal

I’m sure you’d like to remove GadgetPrise, and that’s easy with FreeFixer. You can identify the GadgetPrise files, since they are digitally signed by GadgetPrice as shown in the screen capture above. After selecting the files, click Fix, and reboot your machine and the problem should be gone.

Hope that helped you to figure out how to do the removal.

Do you also have GadgetPrice on your machine? Any idea how it was installed? Please share by posting a comment. Thanks!

Hope you found this useful. Thanks for reading.

How To Remove BrowseStudio Adware

Just wanted to put up a short blog post before going back to coding. This is about an adware called BrowseStudio which appears to be a variant of CrossRider that I’ve previously blogged about many many times before. If the BrowseStudio adware is installed and running on your system, you will notice new add-ons installed in Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer called “BrowseStudio 1.0.1“. It did not install into Chrome. I was also expecting to see some BrowseStudio ads, but did not. Do you see some ads on your machine? I’ll show how to remove BrowseStudio in this blog post with the FreeFixer removal tool.

BrowseStudio 1.0.1 in Firefox' Add-on menu

So, how did Browse Studio install on your machine? It was probably bundled with some download that you installed recently. Bundling means that software is included in other software’s installers. When I first found Browse Studio, it was bundled with “Google Chrome”. This was not the official Google Chrome download, but an unofficial download which was signed by a company called Advertiso GmbH.

Generally, you can avoid bundled software such as BrowseStudio by being careful when installing software and declining the bundled offers in the installer.

As usual when I play around with some new bundled software I uploaded it to VirusTotal to see if the anti-malware progams there find something suspicious. Of the 54 anti-virus scanners, 10 detected the file. The BrowseStudio files are detected as BrowseFox.F by AVG, Trojan.BPlug.167 by DrWeb and AdWare.LinkSwift by VBA32.

BrowseStudio virustotal

Removing BrowseStudio is pretty straightforward with FreeFixer. Here’s a few screenshots that should help you along the way: A restart of your machine may be required to complete the removal.

How to remove BrowseStudio from Internet Explorer How to remove BrowseStudio from firefox

Hope this helped you remove the BrowseStudio adware.

Any idea how BrowseStudio was installed on your machine? Please share by posting a comment. Thank you!

Thank you for reading.

How To Remove EnterDigital Adware

Hello there. Did something titled EnterDigital appear on your machine? EnterDigital appears to be a variant of BrowseFox that I’ve written about before. If you got EnterDigital installed and running on your machine, you’ll notice new add-ons installed in Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. Chrome seems to be unaffected by the adware. I’ll show how to remove EnterDigital in this blog post with the FreeFixer removal tool.

EnterDigital 1.0.1 Firefox

EnterDigital is bundled with a number of downloads. Bundling means that software is included in other software’s installers.

Generally, you can avoid bundled software such as EnterDigital by being careful when installing software and declining the bundled offers in the installer.

When I find some new bundled software I always upload it to VirusTotal to test if the anti-viruses there find something. 24% of the scanners detected the file. Some of the detection names for EnterDigital are BrowseFox.F, PUP.Optional.EnterDigital.A and Artemis.

EnterDigital virustotal

Removing EnterDigital is pretty easy with FreeFixer. Just select the EnterDigital files as the screenshots below shows. You might have to restart your system to complete the removal.

EnterDigital remove Internet Explorer EnterDigital remove firefox

Hope this helped you solved the EnterDigital problem.

Do you also have EnterDigital on your computer? Any idea how it installed? Please share your story the comments below. Thank you!

Hope you found this useful. Thanks for reading.

How To Remove AppEnable Ads

Hello guys and gals. Did something called AppEnable appear on your system? AppEnable appears to be a variant of CrossRider that I blogged about previously. If AppEnable is installed and running on your computer, you will spot a toolbar with YouTube, Twitter, eBay and Flickr links. I’ll show how to remove AppEnable in this blog post with the FreeFixer removal tool.

AppEnable google search

Here’s how AppEnable appears in Firefox and Internet Explorer:

AppEnable 1.0.1 firefox AppEnable Internet Explorer

Here’s a screenshot from the the AppEnable EULA. It clearly shows that AppEnable is adware:

AppEnable eula

AppEnable is bundled in other software’s installers. When I first found AppEnable, it was bundled with a “Skype” download that was digitally signed by Astro Delivery.

AppEnable skype astro delivery

When I play around with some new bundled software I always upload it to VirusTotal to check if the anti-virus progams there find anything suspicious. Of the 51 scanners, 9 detected the file. AVG reports AppEnable as BrowseFox.F, F-Prot detects it as W32/A-0909c198!Eldorado and NANO-Antivirus classifies it as Trojan.Win32.BPlug.ddwtte.

AppEnable virustotal

Removing AppEnable is a piece of cake with FreeFixer. Just check the AppEnable files for removal and then click the Fix button and the problem will be solved.

AppEnable firefox remove AppEnable remove Internet Explorer

Hope this helped you solved the AppEnable problem.

Did you also find AppEnable on your machine? Any idea how it was installed? Please share by posting a comment. Thanks a bunch!

Thank you for reading and welcome back.

Box Rock Ads Removal Instructions

Hello readers. Another day, another blog post. I just found another bundled adware named Box Rock this morning and wanted to give you some removal instructions. This seems to be a variant of CrossRider that I’ve previously written about. If the Box Rock adware is running on your computer, you will find floating ads labeled Powered by Box Rock, ads labeled Box Rock Ads in Google’s search results and a new add-on added in Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox called Box Rock. Chrome seems to have remained clean. I’ll show how to remove Box Rock in this blog post with the FreeFixer removal tool.

Box Rock ads in Google search results powered by Box Rock ad

Here’s BoxRock in Mozilla Firefox’ add-on menu:

Box Rock firefox add-on

Box Rock is distributed by a strategy called bundling. Bundling means that a piece of software is included in other software’s installers. When I first found Box Rock, it was bundled with GoForFiles. Here’s one example how it appears in the GoForFiles installer.

Box Rock bundled in GoForFiles

Generally, you can avoid bundled software such as Box Rock by being careful when installing software and declining the bundled offers in the installer.

When I stumble upon some new bundled software I always upload it to VirusTotal to test if the anti-malware scanners there find something. 7 of the anti-virus scanners detected the file. The Box Rock files are detected as BrowseFox.F by AVG, Trojan.BPlug.144 by DrWeb and PUP.Optional.BoxRock.A by Malwarebytes.

BoxRock virustotal: BrowseFox

If you would like to remove Box Rock you can do so with the freeware FreeFixer tool. Select the Box Rock files for removal in FreeFixer, click Fix, reboot your system and the problem will be gone. Here’s a few screenshots to point you in the right direction:

Box Rock removal firefox Box Rock Internet Explorer removal of BoxRockBho.dll

Hope that helped you to figure out how to do the removal.

Any idea how BoxRock was installed on your computer? Please share your story the comments below. Thanks a bunch!

Thanks for reading!