Tag Archives: Fpro_1.2

Fpro1.2 Ads – Removal Instruction

I just found a new variant of the Freeven Pro adware called Fpro1.2, Fpro_1.2, pro123 and pro12.  This will be a quick post before I’m going to bed. If you have Fpro1.2 on your machine you will probably notice it when it displays the ads that are labeled “Click to Continue – by Fpro1.2” and “Ad by Fpro1.2” as shown in the screenshots below:

ad by Fpro1.2        Click to Continue - by Fpro1.2

The ads above are from Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. You can also see FPro listed in the web browser’s add-ons list, here in Firefox:Fpro in Firefox

The Fpro1.2 removal easy, just select the FPro files in FreeFixer: Fpro1.2-nova.exe, Fpro1.2-bg.exe, the Fpro Firefox Extensions, etc:

Fpro in Internet Explorer

fpro1.2 firefox freefixer fpro1.2-nova.exe fpro1.2 scheduled tasks

Since the removal for Fpro1.2 is the same as for Freeven Pro, for which I’ve done a removal video, I won’t do a new one. I think you’ll get the hang of it by watching the old video:

There’s also an entry in the add/remove programs dialog, but I have not tested it:fpro1.2-uninstall

Hope you found this useful.

How did you get Fpro1.2 on your machine? Please share by posting a comment.