software_reporter_tool.exe is part of Software Removal Tool and developed by Google according to the software_reporter_tool.exe version information.
software_reporter_tool.exe's description is "Software Removal Tool"
software_reporter_tool.exe is digitally signed by Google Inc.
software_reporter_tool.exe is usually located in the 'c:\users\%USERNAME%.rob-pc\appdata\local\google\chrome\user data\swreporter\\' folder.
None of the anti-virus scanners at VirusTotal reports anything malicious about software_reporter_tool.exe.
If you have additional information about the file, please share it with the FreeFixer users by posting a comment at the bottom of this page.
The following is the available information on software_reporter_tool.exe:
Property | Value |
Product name | Software Removal Tool |
Company name | |
File description | Software Removal Tool |
Internal name | software_removal_tool_exe |
Original filename | software_removal_tool.exe |
Legal copyright | Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
Product version | |
File version | |
Here's a screenshot of the file properties when displayed by Windows Explorer:
Product name | Software Removal Tool |
Company name | |
File description | Software Removal Tool |
Internal name | software_removal_tool_exe |
Original filename | software_removal_tool.exe |
Legal copyright | Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Right.. |
Product version | |
File version | |
software_reporter_tool.exe has a valid digital signature.
Property | Value |
Signer name | Google Inc |
Certificate issuer name | VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA |
Certificate serial number | 2912c70c9a2b8a3ef6f6074662d68b8d |
None of the 47 anti-virus programs at VirusTotal detected the software_reporter_tool.exe file.
Property | Value |
MD5 | 70c95a63787e6b44c3d275e02ce9635e |
SHA256 | 1de11aba0a96303b7284335a11c67a20029559b21e0d69a0f535d985223b8968 |
These are some of the error messages that can appear related to software_reporter_tool.exe:
software_reporter_tool.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
software_reporter_tool.exe - Application Error. The instruction at "0xXXXXXXXX" referenced memory at "0xXXXXXXXX". The memory could not be "read/written". Click on OK to terminate the program.
Software Removal Tool has stopped working.
End Program - software_reporter_tool.exe. This program is not responding.
software_reporter_tool.exe is not a valid Win32 application.
software_reporter_tool.exe - Application Error. The application failed to initialize properly (0xXXXXXXXX). Click OK to terminate the application.
To help other users, please let us know what you will do with the file:
The poll result listed below shows what users chose to do with the file. 89% have voted for removal. Based on votes from 849 users.
NOTE: Please do not use this poll as the only source of input to determine what you will do with the file.
If you feel that you need more information to determine if your should keep this file or remove it, please read this guide.
Hi, my name is Roger Karlsson. I've been running this website since 2006. I want to let you know about the FreeFixer program. FreeFixer is a freeware tool that analyzes your system and let you manually identify unwanted programs. Once you've identified some malware files, FreeFixer is pretty good at removing them. You can download FreeFixer here. It runs on Windows 2000/XP/2003/2008/2016/2019/Vista/7/8/8.1/10. Supports both 32- and 64-bit Windows.
If you have questions, feedback on FreeFixer or the website, need help analyzing FreeFixer's scan result or just want to say hello, please contact me. You can find my email address at the contact page.
Please share with the other users what you think about this file. What does this file do? Is it legitimate or something that your computer is better without? Do you know how it was installed on your system? Did you install it yourself or did it come bundled with some other software? Is it running smoothly or do you get some error message? Any information that will help to document this file is welcome. Thank you for your contributions.
I'm reading all new comments so don't hesitate to post a question about the file. If I don't have the answer perhaps another user can help you.
My Norton anti-virus picked it up, but says there's not enough info on whether or not it is hazardous to the system, or something like that....
# 3 May 2015, 23:43
Same for me, this soft has just been installed on my computer without asking me before. Norton can't realy indentify the file, ofc as it's signed it says the program is reliable.
With such a name, is this program interfere more in my privacy than it could be helpfull ? Maybe i'm just a little bit paranoic...
# 14 May 2015, 13:34
This d@mned software_reporter_tool.exe (report to whom, exactly?) thing just popped up in task manager today. NIS then locked up my entire system I guess trying to deal with it and I had to reboot the computer to stop it. I never installed the Software Removal Tool which apparently contains it and cannot find a way to locate it in order to remove it. I looked in the Google-Chrome folder and nothing with a name even remotely similar is there.
# 16 May 2015, 17:15
On its face it is spyware with Google trying to know everything about everybody.Besides that this with its manifests etc. is a fairly large program-clutter.Norton notifies me when it is downloaded so I can delete it promptly.This is time consuming as Google does this every time I start Google.BAD BAD BAD
# 8 Jun 2015, 3:19
See this for a better explanation.
# 14 Aug 2015, 14:53
Diana @: goto "Users" folder next \AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\SwReporter\4.30.4\ it is there :)
# 11 Oct 2015, 4:08
This file dl'ed after I logged into my gmail account.Norton File Insight says, "VERY FEW USERS - Fewer than 5 users in the Norton Community have used this file". Yet, Norton has issued a TRUSTED rating to this file. This was Version Released less than 1 week ago. The Version # noted in image above is substantially lower.
# 15 Oct 2015, 13:29
how do you remove this programme..... what name does it come under in the programme uninstall section
thx charlz
# 11 Dec 2015, 17:54
Norton just gave me the message that it is released one week ago, 5 users, safe. The same message it has been giving at least one year. Is it trustable????
# 18 Apr 2016, 13:15
Its Google's spyware. My advanced firewall caught it scanning through all programs configuration files, including the programs which have nothing to do with Google, Chrome and internet. (in particular through Windows Commander) It looks like it reports all used programs to Google for their info gartering purposes.
Kill it.
# 4 May 2016, 0:26
Hi, this just downloaded out of the blue. How can I remove the Software Reporting Tool? Help!
# 25 Jul 2016, 16:17
Nortons just an hour ago popped up with this tool warning.
went to regedit typed Google. opened folder. software removal tool folder evident. I deleted it. will it affect my computer good or bad? no idea. time will tell. If a problem does occur, I will delete google and install firefox.
# 28 Jul 2016, 15:23
quick heal reports it as illegitimate application or plug-in
# 12 Oct 2016, 11:11
I don't like anyone spying on me and I am concerned what private information it is collecting and for whom!!! If it is not spyware, then they gave it a poor name and it should be changed and updated --- to not cause people to worry about it.
# 4 Nov 2016, 8:45
Norton says it's safe, but I still don't want it on my computer. How did it get installed without my permission?
# 15 Dec 2016, 8:46
My Norton Antivirus popped this up this morning also. Interestingly, I just updated my Google Browser Monday morning, as I do every Monday morning - manually. This update was to the Chrome56 or 56Chrome I've read about elsewhere. Then this morning (the Thurs after the update to the 56 version of Google), my Norton pops up this new file. Very interesting. Norton as a 'locate' link, which clicked, showed it to me at OS(c:)>Users>my name on my computer>AppData>Local>Google>Chrome>UserData>SwReporter>16.90.0 AND there were two MORE files there of question: manifest.fingerprint and manifest.json
What the sam hill is Chrome up to? Especially after a new president and the mandate to check all their intel out?
Are the browsers of the main companies backdooring in expectation of having to provide 'info' to the govt on demand, or even just by a constant flow of info to the big 3? Might be time to change my browser to something more private...not that I do anything nor have anything of interest to the govt, but that I abhor the idea of having my stuff rummaged through like a thief in the night, if this is what is happening! Just not right.
# 2 Feb 2017, 9:44
I went to this file (SwReporter) on my computer as I gave the line to get to it in my previous post. I right-clicked on it and chose properties. This application says it was 'modified' on Jan 25 or 27, 2017, yet it was not created on my computer until today, 2/2/2017. The manifest.fingerprint was created today also. Just in case this info is helpful to someone in-the-know out there to help figure out this mess. BTW, I also went to my control panel, then to add/remove programs as somewhere I read to get rid of it there. It ain't there, so don't waste your time with that. There was no 'uninstall' when right-clicking, so I just selected them all and deleted them. Might not have been the best thing to do, but time will tell. Most likely Chrome will just re-install them later, and Norton WON'T alert me since it has already seen it and deemed it 'safe'.
# 3 Feb 2017, 4:35
I've got the same problem. (I just keep deleting it).
Is there any way to stop this LARGE and TOTALLY Unwanted file?
It may be 'safe' but I would like the option of downloading or not.
# 24 Mar 2017, 16:05
My computer crashed stating that software had been added, on restarting windows I checked my software and the software that was added on that day was named Norton, I have had Norton for months. looks like they are piggybacking on Norton. obviously no one is going to delete Norton but Norton warned me of software and when I checked there was an option to locate which I did and deleted 3 files that were created on that day included in software reporting tool.
# 1 Nov 2018, 1:24
Aaron C. Ols writes