What is yt.dll?

yt.dll is part of Yahoo! Toolbar and developed by Yahoo! Inc. according to the yt.dll version information.

yt.dll's description is "Yahoo! Toolbar"

yt.dll is digitally signed by Yahoo! Inc..

yt.dll is usually located in the 'C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\' folder.

None of the anti-virus scanners at VirusTotal reports anything malicious about yt.dll.

If you have additional information about the file, please share it with the FreeFixer users by posting a comment at the bottom of this page.

Vendor and version information [?]

The following is the available information on yt.dll:

Product nameYahoo! Toolbar
Company nameYahoo! Inc.
File descriptionYahoo! Toolbar
Internal nameyt
Original filenameyt.dll
Legal copyright(c) Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Product version6, 3, 6, 0
File version2006, 10, 26, 1

Here's a screenshot of the file properties when displayed by Windows Explorer:

Product nameYahoo! Toolbar
Company nameYahoo! Inc.
File descriptionYahoo! Toolbar
Internal nameyt
Original filenameyt.dll
Legal copyright(c) Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Product version6, 3, 6, 0
File version2006, 10, 26, 1

Digital signatures [?]

yt.dll has a valid digital signature.

Signer nameYahoo! Inc.
Certificate issuer nameVeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2004 CA
Certificate serial number5a2d0e95592b515a5cf3f5c5d59c88b7

VirusTotal report

None of the 51 anti-virus programs at VirusTotal detected the yt.dll file.

None of the 51 anti-virus programs detected the yt.dll file.

Folder name variants

yt.dll may also be located in other folders than C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\. The most common variants are listed below:

Hashes [?]


What will you do with yt.dll?

To help other users, please let us know what you will do with yt.dll:

What did other users do?

The poll result listed below shows what users chose to do with yt.dll. 28% have voted for removal. Based on votes from 128 users.

User vote results: There were 36 votes to remove and 92 votes to keep

NOTE: Please do not use this poll as the only source of input to determine what you will do with yt.dll.

Malware or legitimate?

If you feel that you need more information to determine if your should keep this file or remove it, please read this guide.

Please select the option that best describe your thoughts on the information provided on this web page

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And now some shameless self promotion ;)

A screenshot of FreeFixer's scan result.Hi, my name is Roger Karlsson. I've been running this website since 2006. I want to let you know about the FreeFixer program. FreeFixer is a freeware tool that analyzes your system and let you manually identify unwanted programs. Once you've identified some malware files, FreeFixer is pretty good at removing them. You can download FreeFixer here. It runs on Windows 2000/XP/2003/2008/2016/2019/Vista/7/8/8.1/10. Supports both 32- and 64-bit Windows.

If you have questions, feedback on FreeFixer or the freefixer.com website, need help analyzing FreeFixer's scan result or just want to say hello, please contact me. You can find my email address at the contact page.


Please share with the other users what you think about this file. What does this file do? Is it legitimate or something that your computer is better without? Do you know how it was installed on your system? Did you install it yourself or did it come bundled with some other software? Is it running smoothly or do you get some error message? Any information that will help to document this file is welcome. Thank you for your contributions.

I'm reading all new comments so don't hesitate to post a question about the file. If I don't have the answer perhaps another user can help you.

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# 23 Jul 2024, 23:54

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