DisableTaskMgr = 1

'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system, DisableTaskMgr' is set to '1' and was was added to FreeFixer's database on 26th October 2006. The most recent search for the registry data was done on 21st December 2024.

So far there have been 575 searches for 'DisableTaskMgr = 1'.

If you have additional information about the registry data, please share it with the FreeFixer users by posting a comment at the bottom of this page.

What will you do with the '1' registry data?

To help other users, please let us know what you will do with the '1' registry data:

What did other users do?

The poll result listed below shows what users chose to do with the '1' registry data. 67% have voted for removal. Based on votes from 374 users.

User vote results: There were 250 votes to remove and 124 votes to keep

NOTE: Please do not use this poll as the only source of input to determine what you will do with the '1' registry data.


Roger Karlsson writes

12 thumbs

This setting prevents users from starting the Task Manager.

# 19 Aug 2007, 9:47

Cogeminimo writes

0 thumbs

I try to eliminate this registry key because pctool's spyware doctor says it's a Trojan generic. But it reappears every time I launch firefox

# 6 Jul 2009, 7:10

Roger Karlsson writes

-2 thumbs

@Cogeminimo: Yes, malware often add this registry to prevent you from starting the Windows Task Manager, which makes it harder to inspect and shut down unwanted processes.

# 6 Jul 2009, 7:34

Cogeminimo writes

2 thumbs

Thanks for your fast response, Roger:

Have you hear of any malware or Trojan generic attached to firefox that behaves like this? I have run every antivirus and antispyware trying to find the little SOB and the only one that detects it is pctool's spyware doctor, but only after I start firefox and the key gets installed, so is kinda useless...
(BTW, excellent website)

# 6 Jul 2009, 14:36

David Wall writes

4 thumbs

How do I set the value of disabletaskmgr to 0 permanently. Have a computer virus which is resetting the value to 1 roughly every ten minutes :(

# 10 Oct 2009, 0:12

Roger Karlsson writes

4 thumbs

@David Wall: Once you remove that malware you should be able to permanently configure DisableTaskMgr to 0.

If you like, you can post a FreeFixer log at the FreeFixer helper forum and I'll try to identify the malware files:


# 10 Oct 2009, 3:37

Qiqi writes

3 thumbs

same problem with davidwall..after I remove that malware manually .. it always comes back..

# 10 Dec 2009, 20:24

marnelle writes

3 thumbs

Yes, I have the same problem too, I'm trying hard to figure out where's the generator of this virus,.Any help is much appreciated,.thanks

# 5 Jan 2010, 23:39

Cogeminimo writes

2 thumbs

My problem disappeared when I changed my anti virus from AGV free to Pctools Anti virus Free. Maybe that did the trick, but I'm not totally sure. not other anti spyware (not even super antispyware) detected it.

Good luck

# 6 Jan 2010, 11:46

marnelle writes

2 thumbs

Thanks for that quick reply. I will try it now, my problem is my friend accidentally uninstall the AVG anti-virus then as I install my updated AVIRA anti-virus, it cant continue installing. Well maybe that virus interrupt known anti-virus process,.thanks anyway for your reply,.keep up the good work.

# 6 Jan 2010, 16:01

Alex K writes

3 thumbs

amm guys i have this problem too...always comes back the "1"...damn...and when i try to install a anti-virus i can't install...and i can't access the microsoft.com or any sites with anti viruses...help me guys...i have reinstalled my windows 3 times but nothing...i format now my D...hope i will succes..if no ..i will reinstall the win again..damn...please help me :((

# 15 Mar 2010, 8:58

planquadratx writes

2 thumbs

Look here:
http://www.windowspage.de/frame.php?http://www.windowspage.de/tipps/022556.html: HKEY_CURRENT_USER
0 = Task-Manager can be executed. (Standard)
1 = Task-Manager can not be started (set by malware infection)

# 1 Apr 2012, 16:57

Stud2513 writes

0 thumbs

what is better

# 15 Nov 2020, 6:54

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